Case: Camedics

An alert that can save lives and preserve Health Systems, generated by AI.

Camedics is a Startup capable of anticipating situations that impact the sustainability of Healthcare Operators and instrumentalizing preventive medicine to act first.

The Analytical Layer for Healthcare

In a gigantic population, who would tend to be in a worse health condition at this moment?

Which Health Service Providers are capable of effectively producing the best care results in a sustainable way?

What Medical Procedures are trending and what do they say about advancing diseases?

These and other questions are answered by outputs generated by Camedics AI, an Whitelabel platform that runs in Healthcare Operators.

Since the creation of the Brand in 2020, going through the entire journey, from Communication to the Healthcare Market, in Digital Media, in Events and sales actions, we have been together until 2024.


A HealthTech invisible to the eyes of patients, a beacon so that Doctors and Health Managers can see beyond and act first.


Yellow Sign for Health

It is a beacon that illuminates the future and shows what will happen to the health of a population. A light warning sign today for Managers and Doctors about the future, gave the logo's central color code.

"Those who give structure"

The Ruler archetype

From a privileged point of view, based on a universe of daily generated Data; the Solution has the power to see beyond and point out paths.

It is the Ruler's job to take responsibility for making life as predictable and stable as possible. This concept gave personality to the newly created Brand.


The Analytical Layer

Artificial Intelligence that operates behind the scenes, processing Data and delivering responses in a 'transparent' way. A Whitelabel Solution, whose Brand, possibly invisible, adds value as it produces trust in those Platforms and Operators to which it integrates.


Medicine in the core

From Brand development, we established Camedics' digital presence on the Web, on the main Social, Media and Industry Events platforms, as well as numerous influencer forums.

Logo Original

Interpretação Literal


Yellow Sign for Health

"Those who give structure"

The Ruler archetype


The Analytical Layer


Medicine in the core

It is a beacon that illuminates the future and shows what will happen to the health of a population. A light warning sign today for Managers and Doctors about the future, gave the logo's central color code.

From a privileged point of view, based on a universe of daily generated Data; the Solution has the power to see beyond and point out paths. It is the Ruler's job to take responsibility for making life as predictable and stable as possible. This concept gave personality to the newly created Brand.

Artificial Intelligence that operates behind the scenes, processing Data and delivering responses in a 'transparent' way. A Whitelabel Solution, whose Brand, possibly invisible, adds value as it produces trust in those Platforms and Operators to which it integrates.

From Brand development, we established Camedics' digital presence on the Web, on the main Social, Media and Industry Events platforms, as well as numerous influencer forums.


Por que nós?

Um apelo recorrente de Executivos de Marketing por alguém que entenda os desafios e fale a lingua do B2B, foi a motivação central que fez nascer a Polix Digital.

Muitas das estratégias e técnicas de Branding e Marketing Digital tem sido desenvolvidas e testadas no B2C. Mas quando Empresas sentam com sua Agências para implementá-las no B2B esbarram com uma incompreensão mútua. Desde realidades diferentes de budget até ciclos de venda longos, e complexidades no engajamento junto a diverso tomadores de decisão. São inúmeras variáveis que acabam por frustrar projetos de Marketing B2B.

A Polix Digital é uma Consultoria de Branding e Marketing Digital que nasce com o DNA do B2B. Vamos juntos explorar as possibilidades de Comunicação da seu Empreendimento, construir soluções sob medida e iniciar uma jornada rumo ao Sucesso.

Sua Agência entende o seu desafio?